Cam's Gardening Blog

Per vegetabilis ad astra

Frogs in the Decorative Pond

2012-08-02 by Cam Farnell, tagged as Pond - decorative, Frogs

Why do elephants paint their toenails pink? So they can hide in cherry trees. Ever seen an elephant in a cherry tree? See - it works. Yea, it's an old kids joke but it has a point. Do you see the frog in the left photo below? Neither do we. Even in the big version of the photo it's almost impossible to spot. It may not be easy being green but it sure helps you blend in. The right photo is the same scene, just closer up and, bingo, there is the frog.

Where's Froggy? Frog revealed.
It's nice to see frogs here as it is an indication of a healthy pond.